Apple iTunes updated!!! Version 6.0.3

About this update:
iTunes is the easiest way to organize, share and listen to music on your computer. Find new favorites. Manage your growing library. Enjoy the best friend an iPod ever had. Download iTunes 6 free for Mac or Windows.
Macintosh Requirements
Mac OS X version 10.2.8 or later for music (Mac OS X version 10.4.2 or later is recommended)
Mac OS X version 10.3.9 or later plus QuickTime 7.0.3 or later for purchased videos
Support for mobile phones with iTunes requires Mac OS X version 10.3.6 or later.
Additional Video Requirements
Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later
500 MHz G4 processor or better
QuickTime 7.0.3 or later
16MB video RAM
Windows Requirements
Windows XP or 2000 (latest service packs recommended)
500 MHz Pentium class processor or better
QuickTime 7.0.3 (included)
Supported CD-R or DVD-R drive to burn CDs
Broadband Internet connection (DSL/Cable/LAN) for buying and streaming music
Additional Video Requirements
1.5 GHz Pentium class processor or better
32MB video RAM
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